Lineup 2023
Untertage Bands 2023 Lineup
Tenacious 3
There were once two twins from the humble East Rand, who were somewhat identical and naturally tanned. They were trained in music of the classical art, later introduced to metal by a blood brother counterpart. With newfound passion they formed a band, and dreamed of one day touring the land. They were impulsively named Tenacious 3, jamming at birthdays, weddings, and Bar Mitzvahs for free.
They each had careers to pay the rent, but also invested in guitars – money well spent. They found music to be their purest form of expression, writing songs about war, peace, and depression. Fueled by fast food pizza and crème soda, they often discussed the teachings of Master Yoda. And further developed their musical powers, by practising for over 769 870 hours.
Inspired by Vivaldi, The Beatles, Metallica, and Rammstein, they created a sound that is quite difficult to define. With dedication to master the music they played, they sought to break the rules that no one made. They’re eternally grateful for the support they’ve received, from family and friends without whom this could not be achieved. This journey is the dream that has come true, ’cause playing music is what they were born to do.